Thomas Suárez Rare Maps
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Leaf from the Cosmography of Peter Apianus, 1544 (1581)

24 x 16 cm

$ 50

Leaf from the Cosmography of Peter Apianus, 1544 (1581)

24 x 16 cm

$ 40

Leaf from the Cosmography of Peter Apianus, 1544 (1584)

23 x 16 cm

$ 60

Leaf from the Cosmography of Peter Apianus, 1544 (1584)

23 x 16 cm

$ 150

Leaf from the Cosmography of Peter Apianus, 1544 (1584)

23 x 16 cm

$ 50


Girolamo Benzoni / de Bry, 1596

Engraving itself is 6 x 7.5 in / 15.5 x 19 cm

$ 200

The Columbus egg story is said to have originated with Benzoni. In his 1565 book History of the New World, he wrote that:

Columbus being at a party with many noble Spaniards, where, as was customary, the subject of conversation was the Indies: one of them undertook to say: —"Mr. Christopher, even if you had not found the Indies, we should not have been devoid of a man who would have attempted the same that you did, here in our own country of Spain, as it is full of great men clever in cosmography and literature." Columbus said nothing in answer to these words, but having desired an egg to be brought to him, he placed it on the table saying: "Gentlemen, I will lay a wager with any of you, that you will not make this egg stand up as I will, naked and without anything at all."

Benzoni / Columbus / de Bry, 1596

Pearl fishing in the New World

$ 200


Illustration of an emu from Hulsius' "Erste Schiffart in die orientalische Indien so die holländische Schiff im Martio 1595 aussgefahren vnd im Augusto 1597 wiederkommen verzicht"


$ 75


Two engravings on either side of a single sheet.

Gottfried, c1640

TOP: Columbus leaving Spain on his first trans-Atlantic voyage. Engraving itself is 6.75 x 7 in / 16 x 18.25 cm

BOTTOM: Christopher Columbus receiving gifts upon his arrival in Hispaniola. Engraving itself is 6.5 x 7.25 in / 16.5 x 18.5 cm

On full uncut text sheet.

Note the (same) small hole that affects the right-most figure in the upper image, and the upper left of the lower image.

$ 100

Grand Fountain for Nuremberg

Abbildung der fontaine oder Springbrunnens so mit der Zeit in Nürnberg soll auffgerichtet werden.

Foldng plate from Historische Nachricht von den Nurnbergischen Mathematicis und Kunstlern... of the eminent scientist Johann Doppelmayr, 1730. dealing with scientists, mathematicians, and artists of Doppelmayr’s native city of Nuremberg

13.5 x 19 in / 34 x 48 cm. With full original margins (not shown).

$ 250